Saturday, February 28, 2009

Betta Fish Summary

Fightingfish also known betta fish is a small, quarrelsome fish thar lives in the water around the Malay Archipelago. It is often called the betta or siamese fightingfish. It has been bred to develop long, waving tails and fins. When the male is excited, it becomes colored with reds, greens, purples, and blues. Only the male is fighter. Betta fish dash at one another, biting the opponent's fins until one of the fish is exhausted. One fightingfish will even attack its own image in a mirror. Watching fights between male fighting is a popular sport in Thailand.

Betta Fish Species Details

Size: 60 mm long
Origin: Thailand
Sexing: Males have long,floring fins
Ease of keeping: Easy
Food: All foods
Breeding method: Bubble-nest builder
Breeding potential: Easy, but males must be segregated (as soon as recognizable) into separate tanks.

Aquarium Conditions

Water:all types
Temperature: 24 Celcius
Tank type: Community, but one male only
Swimming level: All levels
Special needs: Plant
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