Saturday, February 28, 2009

Betta Fish Summary

Fightingfish also known betta fish is a small, quarrelsome fish thar lives in the water around the Malay Archipelago. It is often called the betta or siamese fightingfish. It has been bred to develop long, waving tails and fins. When the male is excited, it becomes colored with reds, greens, purples, and blues. Only the male is fighter. Betta fish dash at one another, biting the opponent's fins until one of the fish is exhausted. One fightingfish will even attack its own image in a mirror. Watching fights between male fighting is a popular sport in Thailand.

Betta Fish Species Details

Size: 60 mm long
Origin: Thailand
Sexing: Males have long,floring fins
Ease of keeping: Easy
Food: All foods
Breeding method: Bubble-nest builder
Breeding potential: Easy, but males must be segregated (as soon as recognizable) into separate tanks.

Aquarium Conditions

Water:all types
Temperature: 24 Celcius
Tank type: Community, but one male only
Swimming level: All levels
Special needs: Plant

Anabantoids Fish:Betta fish(Siamese Fighting Fish)

Native to parts of Africa and southern Asia, Anabantoids are medium-sized,freshwater fishes. One of them, the Siamese Fighting Fish and we called betta fish, is known the world over for its pugnacity towards rival males, and for the wagers such human-arranged battles command. In contrast,many other fishes in this family,the Gouramis in particular, are noted for their peaceful behaviour. However, even these species can become very aggresive at breeding times.

All Anabantoids can breathe atmospheric oxygen in the event of their natural waters becoming oxygen-depleted or otherwise polluted. They do so by means of a special organ located in the head just behind the gills. This organ is constructed like a maze or labyrinth. Atmospheric air is trapped in the many folds and is then absorbed into the fish's bloodstream. For this reason, Anabantoids are known to some fish-keepers as Labyrinth fishes.

During the breeding period, the majority of male Anabantoid fishes build bubble-nest. They entice their mates under these and induce them to lay their eggs by gicing them a spawning embrace. The eggs are immediately fertilized and placed in the nest by the male who guards them and the subsequent fry againts allcomers, regardless of size. You won't find Anabantoids difficult to breed in the aquarium but, unfortunately, raising the fry is more problematical because of their tiny size.

Anabantoids Fish:Betta fish(Siamese Fighting Fish)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

5 Tips How To Change Water For Your Betta Fish(Betta Fish Care Resource)

Tip 1.

Bottled water is inferior to tap water because tap water has minerals that aid betta's health.

Tip 2.

Betta's like to swim around and explore in at least a 2.5 gallon heavily planted, with a heater and slow flowing filter. No bowls because bowls are for cereal.

Tip 3.

Betta's are carnivores (more specifically insectivores) that thrive on a high protein diet. In the wild they feast on worms and insects that fall into the water, their mouths are build with an upward turn to snatch flies and other insects that fall into the water. Give them food made for bettas (not tropical or goldfish food).

Tip 4.

Betta's are jumpers, so make sure you have a lid, females jump even higher than males.

Tip 5.

Do weekly water changes (about 20%), they will thrive and live longer, 5 years easy but can live up to 8.

5 Tips How To Change Water For Your Betta Fish(Betta Fish Care Resource)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How do i to take care of my betta fish?(Betta Fish Care Resource)

You are not sure how to take care of your betta fish. Here are some common question about it.

1)How often should i change its water bowl?

Common answer:

-Everyday maybe twice a day
-Friday wenday and monday

But the best answer is:

-Change the water about once a month.

2)What time should i feed it?

Common answer:

-When u wake up and when u go to bed
-Every few hours

But the best answer is:

-Feed it once a day, whatever time is good for you, they don't care. But they do adapt to a schedule

3)How much sould i feed it?

Common answer:

-Just a few sprinkles
-Go to a pet store go to fish section find betta's food but if u can't find it ask a employe.

But the best answer is:

-Feed it a pinch of betta flakes or pellets. Find out how much it will it in a few minutes and then only give it that much. Take out any thing it didn't eat so the bowl stays clean.

4)What should i do if it doesn't eat anything?

Common answer:

-It's most likely to eat its food if not bring it pet store and ask about it.
-You probably just can't see that its eating so it probably does eat when it sinks farther down.

But the best answer is:

-If it doesn't eat anything, it might just be picky. Either buy different food or make it suck up and eat what you give it.

5)How do i change its water bowl?

Common answer is:

-First of all, you need to get some water for the fish ask the pet store employe about what kind of water you need the when you get the water you need get an old bowl or cup put some of that water in it cup or bowl then put the fish in it. Pour out the water in the fish bowl then clean it out put some of that water in the fish bowl then pour the cup or bowl with the fish in the fish bowl and your done!

-Poor the old water into a bowl and then quickly change everything in his bowl and then i had a net thing for betta fish and i used that to put the fish back into the water.

But the best answer is:

-Get a small bowl and fill it with water from the fish bowl. Scoop the betta out with a net and put it in the bowl. Or you can try to scoop the fish out with the bowl. Empty the fish bowl (if you have small pebbles, use a pasta strainer). Use a rag to wipe off the inside of the bowl. Fill the fish bowl with warm water. Make sure it isn't too hot. Scoop the fish out of its little bowl and put it back in its home.

And last but not least, if u have pebbles in the bottom the put the pebbles and put the in water and boil them so it gets all the algae and germs off.

How do i to take care of my betta fish?(Betta Fish Care Resource)

Caring For Betta Fish Bowl(Betta Fish Care Resource)

How to care betta fish bowl?

Keep this bowl away from sources of hot and cold air such as heaters, heater vents, cold or sunny windows, drafts air conditioner vents. It's is important that this bowl be kept cool at about 65 to 75 degrees F. Put it in a place away from extremes of hot and cold.

When you go to a pet store, you'll find rows of small bowls, each containing one colourful fish. These are male Siamese fighting fish (more properly known as a betta fish) and the way you find them in the pet store is essentially how they should be kept.

Bettas can be kept in small containers because they are able to breathe air, like humans, as well as water. Keep the water between 70 and 80 degrees, and don't let the temperature change too quickly. Keep the bowl away from appliances that produce a lot of heat.

But one more important thing,only ONE betta fish per bowl! That the reason why they're called "fighting fish". They are highly defensive and protective animals and will react violently if two are placed in the same container. You can see the introductory phase of their fighting, the threat display, if you put a mirror up against the bowl. Notice the raised gill covers, which make the betta fish look bigger.

Change the water in the bowl when it starts to look cloudy, about once a week. Let the water age at least 24 hours, to release some of the chemicals. After transfer the betta fish to a container, please do not forget to clean the bowl with mild soap, and rinse thoroughly. Also rinse any decorations (rocks, shells, plastic plants, etc.) before filling the bowl with aged water, and releasing your Siamese fighting fish.

The pet store where you bought your betta fish will have food as well, probably freeze-dried blood worms. Feed your Siamese fighting fish two or three times a day, only what he will eat in a few minutes. Overfeeding will make the water cloud faster, and your betta fish will be more likely to get ill.

Caring For Betta Fish Bowl(Betta Fish Care Resource)

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